Products and Services
Centeye has delivered technology to and completed projects for many clients including companies (large and small, the US Government, Prime contractors, and universities, including many names that you would recognize. We could fill the space below with many well-known logos of past and current clients, but prefer to respect their privacy. If you believe our technology may be of use to you or have general questions, please contact us.
- Integrate our technology into your product
- Feasibility study for a technology use case
- License our technology
- Subcontractor role for a grant / contract
- Deliver customized hardware
- Deliver sensors for your research grant
How to do business with Centeye
For most customers, the most effective way to acquire our technology is through a custom package involving hardware, software, and technical support. The level of customization required, including whether you can use stock components and software, will depend on your specific needs. This is because although our technology is not difficult to learn, they operate differently from conventional vision sensors or cameras. The first step is to contact us to arrange a discussion of your needs.